About the Author

Hello. I'm Sam.

I started this blog because sometimes I think things that make me chuckle to myself and I have this faint glimmer of hope that some of them might make other people chuckle to themselves.

Sometimes I think things that make me CHORTLE to myself.

Those things I'll probably keep to myself. They can't possibly be that funny.

This is kind of what I look like, sometimes.

Here are ten things you need to know about me, in no particular order:

1) I bake things that look like they aren't actually baked things.

2) All of my jeans have tears in the left upper thigh.

3) I like getting mail.

4) Sometimes, I eat.

5) My mother once rescued me from a blizzard on a raft.

6) I became a vegetarian so Tobey Maguire would like me better. I later reevaluated my motivations.

7) I have a set of lolcat refrigerator poetry.

8) I am afraid of seagulls. I'm convinced this is a legitimate fear.

9) In the case of almost every fruit or vegetable, I can either only eat it raw or I can only eat it cooked.

10) I used to want to be an Egyptologist because I thought I would go to Egypt and my life would become the movie The Mummy and I'd be a cute little librarian in Cairo and then a moody 29387492385-year-old zombie priest who kind of looks like Billy Zane would rain down pain of biblical proportions on the poor little Egyptian masses because one time he messed up some ugly girl's tattoo and her geriatric husband got mad and I'd save them all with my smarts and THAT is how you land a man like Brendan Fraser.